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Evidence of Urban Civilizations Found in Bolivian Amazon Forests!

By Dr. Inés Urdaneta / Physicist at Resonance Science foundation

A very unexpected discovery has surprised the world. The Amazon Forest, thought to be a reservoir of wildlife and primitive indigenous settlements, was also the seat of advanced civilizations. By advanced, we mean that they were large urban societies with civic and ritualistic activities, in contrast with nomadic small tribes.

Using a remote-sensing technology called Lidar to map the terrain from a helicopter, researchers found that ancient Amazonians had built and lived in densely populated centers, starting about 1,500 years ago. The immense settlements stretch across some 80 square miles of the Llanos de Mojos region of Bolivia.

“The complexity of these settlements is mind blowing”, Heiko Prümers, archaeologist at the German Archaeological Institute.


The findings include 22-metre-tall conical pyramids and earthen buildings that were encircled by kilometres of elevated roadways and...

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Probing The Unruh Effect with Quantum Optics

Lando Calrissian Heads to Hyperspace. An accelerating object, such as a spaceship traveling at relativistic speeds (close to the speed of light), should generate showers of faintly glowing particles, according to the predicted phenomenon known as the Unruh effect.

By Dr. Ines Urdaneta / Physicist at Resonance Science Foundation

Einstein’s principle of equivalence states that gravity and acceleration are indistinguishable from each other. The best example to see this, is to place oneself inside an elevator. Initially it is static in a floor, and when it starts to move upwards (i.e., it accelerates or changes its speed) one feels pushed towards the floor, as if one is pulled by gravity, even though the effect comes from an acceleration in the opposite direction.

Now, let us imagine that an object is in space, in a perfect vacuum; a supposedly friction-less environment, and it accelerates suddenly. The first question that arises is … how can it even move, if there is...

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The Pumping Heart at the Center of Our Galaxy: Black Hole Sagittarius A* Image, is Finally Here!

Image Credit: EHT Collaboration.

By Dr. Inés Urdaneta / Physicist at Resonance Science Foundation

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), the largest scientific initiative, has given the world the closets look and confirmation of Sagittarius A*, the black hole in the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. It is just 26,000 light years away from Earth!

In our RSF scientific blog we had been following the EHT initiative. EHT is an international collaboration that aims to obtain the first image of the event horizon of a black hole, using a virtual telescope the size of the earth.  Different telescopes scattered across the planet collect the data of the same object, which is then combined and processed by a supercomputer to produce a final image through the interferometry technique, just as the one used in ALMA, but this time at a global scale.  By triangulating the data from the nine telescope arrays – (ARO/SMT)(APEX)(IRAM)(JCMT)(LMT)...

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More Evidence of Quantum Behavior at Biological Scale: Proton Tunneling in DNA

By Dr. Inés Urdaneta / Physicist at Resonance Science Foundation

Former RSF articles had addressed quantum effects that have been observed in biology, more precisely, in the microtubules, giving plausible support to the fact that biology, just as consciousness, could have a quantum origin.   

Now, a paper published in the journal Communications Physics, entitled An open quantum systems approach to proton tunnelling in DNA,  is shedding light on the physical mechanisms that might cause the protons to jump across between the DNA strands.

The DNA strands usually depicted as two double helices, are composed of molecules named nucleotides, which organize in two strains to form each of the helices, as depicted below:


Figure 1: DNA strands composed of nucleotides or molecules Thymine (T), Adenine (A), Guanine (G) and Cytosine (C), which organize creating a double helix. Image source : 


To study such proton transfer, the authors analyzed...

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Quantum Origin of Human Consciousness Gets Preliminary Experimental Support!

By Dr. Inés Urdaneta / Physicist at Resonance Science Foundation

Experimental evidence of quantum behavior in neural microtubules could support Penrose and Hameroff’s hypothesis that consciousness originates in the microtubules of the neurons, as described by their theory called Orchestrated objective reduction (Orch -OR). 

In former RSF articles [1,2,3], biophysicist William Brown had addressed the Orchestrated objective reduction theory (Orch OR), originally proposed by physicist Roger Penrose and anaesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff, in the 1990.

As William Brown brilliantly explains [1]:

“One of the key features of Hameroff’s and Penrose’ theory is called Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR), in which it is theorized that the state vector (the wavefunction that describes a particle) of delocalized free electrons within tubulin undergoes an observer-independent reduction (an objective versus subjective collapse of the wavefunction). As the...

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The Origin of Quantum Mechanics II : the Black Body Radiator and the Quantization of the Electromagnetic Field

Image: Ekaterina Kulaeva/Shutterstock 

By Dr. Inés Urdaneta / Physicist at Resonance Science Foundation

In a past article entitled “The origin of quantum mechanics I: The Electromagnetic field as a wave” we had introduced the most relevant features of light as an electromagnetic field propagating in a 3D trajectory through space. Among the notions addressed we had explained the spectrum -or colors- of light, the components of the electromagnetic fields and their continuous, wavelike nature. In this second article we explain why the wavelike nature of light was not enough to explain certain behaviors of the interaction between light and matter; the understanding of such phenomena required introducing a “corpuscular” description of light that marked the origin of quantum theory, changing the paradigm with respect to classical physics.     


 The Black body Radiator and the quantization of the electromagnetic field...
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The Origin of Quantum Mechanics I: The Electromagnetic Field as a Wave

By Dr. Inés Urdaneta / Physicist at Resonance Science Foundation


Electromagnetic spectrum of light 

We are used to the words light and color. In scientific terms, light is made of electromagnetic waves that are mainly radiated from a radiative source (for instance, the sun) and absorbed by an object (absorbed by the electrons in the atoms that make the object, for instance, a T-shirt). An electromagnetic wave traveling through space is an energy oscillation propagating through space in 3 dimensions; traveling, for instance, from A to B along the red curved trajectory (known as circularly polarized motion) shown in the Figure below, depicting the complete movement which forms a helical trajectory. The axes x, y, and z serve as frames of reference for the movement. Note that the helical red curve has a 3D red tubular shadow to emphasize the 3D shape of this whole movement; it is a vortex spiraling helical through space. This red trajectory can be separated into two...

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The Problem of Consciousness and Why it is a Problem in Physics

Image credit here 

"I regard consciousness as fundamental, matter is derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. There is no matter as such; it exists only by virtue of a force bringing the particle to vibration and holding it together in a minute solar system; we must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind.

The mind is the matrix of all matter"Max Planck


Consciousness has been a controversial subject within science, as it is not just about explaining a particularly complex phenomenological state of the brain – it pierces right to the heart of our conception of the material world. An investigation of the nature of consciousness, as it turns out, is inextricably linked with the exploration of the nature of reality. This is epitomized in the centuries-old adage “if a tree falls in the...

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Solution to the Vacuum Catastrophe!

By Dr. Inés Urdaneta / Physicist at Resonance Science Foundation

In this article we present the holographic solution that Nassim Haramein proposes to explain the so-called Vacuum Catastrophe problem addressed in a former article, concerning the large gap of ~122 orders of magnitude between the vacuum energy density at cosmological scale and the vacuum energy density predicted by quantum field theory. The complete calculation entitled Resolving the Vacuum Catastrophe: A Generalized Holographic Approach, by Haramein and Dr. Val Baker, was published in the Journal of High energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, in 2019.

Image by Dr. Amira Val Baker, astrophysicist

To estimate theoretically the vacuum energy density at the quantum scale, quantum field theory (QFT) describes a vacuum composed of an infinite number of electromagnetic fields which are randomly fluctuating at all frequencies (also known as vacuum fluctuations, or zero point oscillations). Through the ...

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The Vacuum Catastrophe

By Dr. Inés Urdaneta, Physicist, Research Scientist at Resonance Science Foundation

One of the largest discrepancies found in modern physics is the ~122 orders of magnitude difference (i.e., 122 zeros!) between the vacuum energy density estimated by observations at the cosmological scale (a density which is represented by the cosmological constant) and the quantum vacuum energy density at the Planck scale as calculated or predicted by quantum physics.

Just to grasp the magnitude of this difference of 122 zeros we must recall that each position in a number refers to an order of magnitude. For instance, 10 is one order of magnitude bigger than 1, and 100 is two orders of magnitude bigger than 1. As we keep adding zeros, we see an increase called exponential. From this perspective, the size of a proton is of the order of 10-15 m (this means that compared to a ruler the length of a meter, the proton is 15 orders of magnitude smaller, or a quadrillion times smaller) and the...

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